What is the price of gasoline in Namibia?

Who knows how much does a liter of gas cost in Namibia?


Notice, fuel costs can vary from time to time, so make sure to check the most updated price.
The average price for 1 liter of gasoline in Namibia is 0.78 U.S. dollar.
The evaluation of average price per liter of gasoline in Namibia was published in globalpetrolprices.com. You can see how the price was assessed using the following link –See link.
Price Comparison
The average price of gasoline in the world is 1.25 U.S. dollar.
Gasoline price in Namibia is Cheaper than the average price for gasoline in the world (0.47 U.S. dollar less).
Did you know that Venezuela has the world’s cheapest gas, sold at government filling stations for 1 cent a liter?
Did you know that Norway has the world’s most expensive gasoline, at 2.26 U.S. dollar per liter?


Car rental in Namibia
Car rental AVIS Namibia (Locations and Branches, types of rental cars etc. ) – See link.
Car rental BUDGET Namibia (Locations and Branches, types of rental cars etc. ) – See link.


Maps and navigation apps for Namibia
Map of Namibia (Google Maps) – See link.
Google Maps app for Android phones and tablets – Link.

Google Maps app for iPhone and iPad – Link.

Driving in Namibia using waze app for Android phones – Link.

Driving in Namibia using waze app for iPhone – Link.


IEA – International Energy Agency  – link.
Gasoline prices in globalpetrolprices.com  – link.
Gasoline and diesel usage and pricing – link.
What determines the price of gasoline? and more FAQ – link.