Category: Health Terms

  • what is the meaning of Canicide

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Canicide” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Canicide Canicide, the killing of dogs, a substance that kills dogs.   Canicide in Spanish is canicide El asesinato de un…

  • what is the meaning of Cardiodynia

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Cardiodynia” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Cardiodynia Localized pain in the region of the heart. – See link     More information about Cardiodynia in other websites…

  • what is the meaning of Asthenia

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Asthenia” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Asthenia Weakness or asthenia is a symptom of a number of different conditions. The causes are many and can be divided…

  • what is the meaning of Breast (Caked)

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Breast (Caked)” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Caked Breast A painful hardening of one or more lobules of a lactating breast, caused by stagnation of milk in…

  • what is the meaning of Bronchorrhea

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Bronchorrhea” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of ׳¨׳™׳‘׳•׳™ ׳”׳₪׳¨׳©׳•׳× ׳ž׳”׳¡׳™׳ž׳₪׳•׳ ׳•׳× Bronchorrhea is the production of more than 100 mL per day of watery sputum. Chronic bronchitis is…

  • what is the meaning of Aphthae

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Aphthae” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Aphthae Aphthous stomatitis (also termed recurrent aphthous stomatitis, recurring oral aphthae or recurrent aphthous ulceration; from Greek: ב¼„ֿ†־¸־± aphtha, “mouth ulcer”)…

  • what is the meaning of Aptha

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Aptha” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Aptha Aphthous stomatitis (also termed recurrent aphthous stomatitis, recurring oral aphthae or recurrent aphthous ulceration; is a common condition characterized by…

  • what is the meaning of Antidote(Antiaris)

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Antidote(Antiaris)” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Antiaris Antidote Antiaris toxicaria is a tree in the mulberry and fig family, Moraceae. s of interest as a source of…

  • what is the meaning of Antidote(Manihot)

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Antidote(Manihot)” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Antidote for Manihot poisoning Manihot esculenta, (common name: cassava) is a woody shrub of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, native to South…

  • what is the meaning of Anydrotic

    I would like to know what is the meaning of “Anydrotic” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish? I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses. Answer Meaning of Anydrotic Denoting a reduction or absence of sweat glands, characteristic of congenital ectodermal defect and anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. – See link…