Category: Countries Codes

  • what is the internet code for Bahamas

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Bahamas, The? Answer the internet code for Bahamas, The is – “.bs”.   Information about .bs domains There are estimated to be about 1,697 domains with .bs suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .bs domains is for entities connected with…

  • what is the internet code for Bahrain

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Bahrain? Answer the internet code for Bahrain is – “.bh”.   Information about .bh domains There are estimated to be about 1,085 domains with .bh suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .bh domains is for entities connected with Bahrain. Actual…

  • what is the internet code for Andorra

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Andorra? Answer the internet code for Andorra is – “.ad”.   Information about .ad domains There are estimated to be about 1,517 domains with .ad suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .ad domains is for entities connected with Andorra. Actual…

  • what is the internet code for Antarctica

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Antarctica? Answer the internet code for Antarctica is – “.aq”.   Information about .aq domains There are estimated to be about 73 domains with .aq suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .aq domains is for entities connected with Antarctica. Actual…

  • what is the internet code for Afghanistan

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Afghanistan? Answer the internet code for Afghanistan is – “.af”.   Information about .af domains There are estimated to be about 3,831 domains with .af suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .af domains is for entities connected with Afghanistan. Actual…

  • what is the internet code for Albania

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Albania? Answer the internet code for Albania is – “.al”.   Information about .al domains There are estimated to be about 9,828 domains with .al suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .al domains is for entities connected with Albania. Actual…

  • what is the internet code for Algeria

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Algeria? Answer the internet code for Algeria is – “.dz”.   Information about .dz domains There are estimated to be about 3,354 domains with .dz suffix (2014).   The Intended use for .dz domains is for entities connected with Algeria. Actual…